September is here, and we are ready for the end of summer (are we?) Last week, Landline Literary closed out August with our first-ever Catalytic Conversation, a community dialogue loosely themed around a different writing topic each time. We kicked things off, with help from Faith Padgett, by focusing on revision and editing. Check out a distilled version of the audio recording, shortened for concision and privacy of participants, and try out the writing prompt Faith so kindly shared with us as we re-envision revision!
Catalytic Conversations will be back in October with a discussion on the novel! This month's audio recording is not accompanied by a written transcript, but going forward we will be sure to include one with every audio or video upload. Thank you for your patience as we gear up our technical capacity to support our programming.
A Writing Prompt from Faith Padgett
We are going to create a bank of words, from which we select certain words (an editorial choice) and then we will compose a poem using reclaiming some traditionally editorial moves for catalytic purposes. Follow me!
Write 5 words that you associate with water
Write 3 words that you associate with fear
Write 2 pairs of words: make them pairs, even though traditionally these words aren’t paired
Write 3 words that you associate with delight
Write 5 words that you associate with sunlight or warmth
Now, look at your bank of 20 words, and pick the 3 that you like the most. Also identify whichever word you like the least. That’s three words you like the most, one word you like the least. Start your poem with one, put two toward the middle, and end the poem with one.
Now reread that draft. Strike through two of your lines and rewrite them, keeping the struck-out lines as part of the poem.
Now take this draft and rebreak 2 of the lines-- change two of the line breaks you have to a new place.
Lastly, choose one more word from the word bank to be or be incorporated into the title.